
Week of Sunday, October 6, 2024

WestAid – Place donations in the bin provided on Sundays or stop by the church during office hours. Monday – Thursday 9am – 3pm Monetary donations are always appreciated.
September donations:
291 items 184 lbs. $1,150 cash
Remember to pick up a sheet on the table for Holiday needs

Soctober – Accepting donations of new men’s, women’s and children’s socks thru Monday, October 28. This year we are including hats and gloves. They will be delivered to Union Gospel Mission Please place them in the bin provided in the Narthex.

Crafts – Monday at 10:00am in Reed Hall

Mary Martha Fellowship – All women are invited to enjoy the fellowship 7:00pm Tuesday, Oct. 8 in Reed Hall

Peace by Piece Sewing Group – Wednesday 1:00 pm in Reed Hall

Bible Study – Friday, Oct. 11 1:00pm in the home of Frances Covington

Breakfast Bunch – Breakfast at Westside Café 8am Saturday, Oct. 12. Contact Frances Covington by Friday, Oct. 11 to let her know if you plan to attend so tables can be reserved.

Scout Fundraiser – Scouts will be in the Narthex taking orders for Christmas wreaths, poinsettias and table decorations. They can accept cash, checks or Venmo. You may also stop by during office hours to place your orders or contact Terry Grant.