

Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops meet regularly in our facilities. If you are interested in scouting, please contact:

  • Cub Scouts – Raymond Switlik 817-249-2803
  • Boy Scouts – Mike McFadden  817-578-6111
  • Girl Scouts – Adrainne Pruitt, 817-731-2387

Benbrook United Methodist Church has been proud to sponsor Troop 95 since 1965.  To date Troop 95 has held 99 Eagle Scout Courts of Honor.  The current Scoutmaster of Troop 95 is Mike McFadden..  Troop 95 continues to hold the core of the Scouting experience by camping one weekend each month – rain or shine.  The activities for the camp outs are planned by the Scouts and focus on different skills required for advancement and just plain fun!